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2019  5K Run/Walk Fundraiser

The 2019 Run/Walk Fundraiser was a success! This marked the 10th Anniversary  of the Walter F. Burnett Jr. Scholarship, which is bittersweet, but we know that Walter would be so proud. We are thankful that the scholarship is thriving!


This year we had more than 60 participants and we received donations from many individuals who could not make it to the event. Thank you!


We want to thank Fleet Feet Sacramento for including us in their newsletter and thank you to our church family, co-workers, friends, and family members of the surrounding community for participating in the event. And of course, we could not have done it without our volunteers who showed up early that morning to help us set up and register participants.


Your support helps us to give scholarships to our target group--- high school seniors and current college students from single parent, foster parent, grandparent, and legal guardian households. This year we were able to award scholarships to two students. Click here to learn more about the 2019 recipients. 

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