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DeVaughn graduated from high school (School of Engineering and Science) with a 3.76 GPA. DeVaughn was awarded $500. He was a leader in high school and also on the track team. He has overcome many obstacles in his life and has a very bright future. He is currently attending a 4 year university and his goal is to become a civil engineer.
Brina graduated from High School with a 4.5 GPA and is currently attending a 4 year university. She was awarded $500. Brina overcame many obstacles in her young life. She is a very brilliant and determined young woman. Her goal is to become a physician.
Cierra graduated high school with a 3.0 GPA. She was awarded $250. She was raised by a single mother and credits both her mother and grandmother as the two most influential people in her life and also for giving her a love of music. Cierra now attends a 4 year university as a music major.
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